Time is always a thing that makes us sometimes question why and how to use it very useful. so before you make something that you want. you have to know much more the proper way to play with your energy and that is by using your knowledge using our secret as a human being. we have already what we want we just try to convince our self that is already there and what makes the universe play the part to attract it. and that what makes us happy. to believe is in the mind, just trust it in our heart. Just have the faith that always bring joy . I want to share my experience during the time that I suffer from the jail. the first thing that makes me calm it to trust to God, I pray that my family would not worry about me if they know that I was jailed. But really I was given a blessing unseen but I felt it inside to know how God really cares for me. So if you feel lost, relax clam down, its okay to makes mistake enjoy it. and learn how you love the process. Always remember be humble and have faith. that was 2012 when I was in Saudi in Ab bah, when it was past but it has an impact to my memory that I experience in jail. the punishment that they practice make me really nervous is when the time of Sunday they will lushes to the public or the schedule to render the jury punishment on how many lashes they given to individual case for me its 200 lashes

but the miracle happen I didn't felt the pain that they really hard to imagine maybe I would not wish to go back again in Saudi Arabia when I realize that its really a danger when you don't know the system of there law which is really out of this world. they really sometimes public this practices to make sure that there citizen would know what would be the punishment when involving in any cases they announce in the public market or park. and sometimes beheading
I thanks God for what happen to me. and what massage I learned inside the jail. food are okay but the justice system is not equal.