for this reason I would really want to promote to change our branded using the so called fluoride toothpaste and make sure that we are safe and healthy by the power of information of this sabotage our life to end. so again think about the information and do more research
What is Fluoride and Where Does it Come From?
Fluorides, such as sodium fluoride, stannous fluoride, and fluoride monofluorophosphate (MFP fluoride), are created when the element fluorine combines with a metal or other substance. Fluorides are absorbed into the blood via your digestive tract, where they then travel and collect in high calcium regions such as your teeth and bones. Fluorides occur naturally in the air, water, as well as the earth. The fluoride in your body is mostly from water, food, fish, tea, coffee, dental products, you can even get some fluoride by using teflon-coated pans (who knew?!?)
Does Sodium Fluoride Help Prevent Cavities?
Yes, that’s a well established fact. In 1945 water fluoridation began in the U.S. because scientists discovered a lessening of cavities in areas with fluoridated water (commonly referred to as “florinated water”). In my own experience, I went through rigorous research to find out what may be causing my cavities, and finally came up with a dental hygiene regimen that has left me cavity free for several years now.
Is Sodium Fluoride Dangerous?
So here I am content that I finally found a solution to my “strong gums, weak teeth” dilemma. And along comes a bunch of research suggesting that sodium fluoride is actually dangerous to our health (read: it’s a toxin). If “fluoride and flavor” is so good for our teeth, then what’s wrong with sodium fluoride? Recent research has shown that fluoride in high doses can be toxic. But isn’t that true of a lot of things we’re exposed to? Just what is a “high dose”? And what about long, chronic exposure to small doses? In other words, how “long” of a time-span do these research studies address? After consulting my dentist (who is, shockingly, pro-fluoride), and other health professionals, I found very few who were willing to take a negative stance on fluoride. So I’ve delved into my own research. Here are some sources I’ve come across:
- Wikipedia – Fluorides are rapidly absorbed, and interfere with electron transport and calcium metabolism. Large ingestion of fluoride salts or hydrofluoric acid may result in fatal arrhythmias. Chronic over-absorption can cause hardening of bones, calcification of ligaments, and buildup on teeth. Fluoride can cause irritation or corrosion to eyes, skin, and nasal membranes. The lethal dose for a 70 kg (154 lb) human is estimated at 5–10 g. Sodium fluoride is classed as toxic by both inhalation (of dusts or aerosols) and ingestion. In high enough doses, it has been shown to affect the heart and circulatory system. For occupational exposures, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health have established occupational exposure limits at 2.5 mg/m3 over an 8 hour time-weighted average.
- – The maximum allowed level of sodium fluoride in our drinking water is 4.0 mg/L, set by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), for adults, and 2.0 mg/L for children under the age of 9. The recommended dose for drinking water is 0.7 mg/L, set by the US Dept of Health and Human Services (this used to be higher, but since we get fluoride from other sources now, such as toothpaste, this recommendation was lowered from a range of 0.7 – 1.2 mg/L in 2011). Natural drinking water sources in the US have an average fluoride level of about 0.2 mg/L, although in some places it can be much higher. The natural levels of fluoride in water in some places can be even higher than 4 mg/L. Community water systems in such areas are required to lower the fluoride level below the acceptable standard. But the levels in private water sources, such as wells, may still be higher. In other words, if you’re concerned about fluoride exposure, you might actually be getting less fluoride via the “fluoridated water” from your city! Fluoride addition to drinking water is a local (city/municipality) decision, about 2/3 of Americans have access to fluoridated water.
- – The Mayo Clinic is almost an outright advertisement for taking more sodium fluoride. It lists brand names of products that include sodium flouride such as Aquafresh, Denta 5000 Plus, Ethedent, and Fluoridex. Suprisingly, they actually list a recommended daily dose of fluoride: birth to 3 years of age: 0.1 to 1.5 milligrams (mg); 4 to 6 years of age: 1 to 2.5 mg; 7 to 10 years of age: 1.5 to 2.5 mg; adolescents and adults: 1.5 to 4 mg! That’s when we just learned that 4 mg can be a lethal dose. Say what? I noticed that in small print at the top of the page it says “Drug information provided by: Micromedex.” Pharmaceuticals giving profits priority over our health? That never happens, right? Argh!
- – On the very anti-fluoride side of the debate, there are several websites such as this one taking an aggressive stance against sodium fluoride. Their main objective appears to be to reduce the amount of fluoride we ingest, as opposed to the flouride we apply topically (ie don’t swallow). FlourideAlert is concerned with the long-term chronic effects of sodium fluoride ingestion, particularly with people that drink great amounts of flouridated water or are exposed to industrial versions of fluoride.
- The Fluoride Deception
– this book covers extensively the problems with fluoridation, and goes as far as to discuss the environmental concerns and damage that’s been done. While I haven’t read this, I plan to if I find the time. It receives, at the time of this writing, 5 stars from 77 reviewers. One thing I noticed in the comments was remarks from people with thyroid problems and how that could be related to over-fluoridation.
- – another site that takes a very aggressive anti-fluoride stance, going so far as to call it a government conspiracy. They call fluoridated water the “poison tap water” and mention everything from cancer to lowering of IQ. I’ll let you read that page for your own entertainment/ knowledge gathering.
- My Dentist – last but not least, my dentist is obviously a huge proponent of fluoride. Even the dental assistant went on to discuss how “systemic” (ingested) fluoride, also known as skeletal fluoride, is beneficial to skeletal and bone formation. It didn’t occur to me that ingested fluoride (which is the source of much of the fluoride controversy) could be beneficial. I was under the impression that only a topical application was good for your teeth.
Out of all these sites I found one to be the most useful and well-balanced, although I was impressed by the depth of research contained on It has made me think more about the potential long-term/chronic effects of regular sodium fluoride exposure. It seems to me that the biggest concern has to do with ingestion of fluoride vs topical application. I’m curious to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments below – know of any key sources of information that I missed (I’m sure there are many!)?
This next video by a state representative who also happens to be a doctor, focuses on the point of ingestion (via our drinking water) vs topical application (toothpaste and mouth rinses) and the potentially detrimental effects of ingestion on children.